Monday, February 9, 2015

Love in the Animal Kingdom

I'm not sure if he wants to watch the birds or eat them

Love in the Animal Kingdom presented by Nature

Plot: While all animals need to get together to produce a new generation. However, some take extra care and consideration when choosing potential mates. Some consider elaborate dances, bright colors, and synchronized calls as good indicators for a beau. Nice territory or high social position attract loyal mates. Many species obediently follow protocol, then immediately flirt with a neighbor's mate. Still, a few remain loyal to each other exclusively for the breeding season, occasionally longer. No matter the attraction or fidelity, relationships provide a means of continuing the species.

Genre: Animals, Documentary

Reading Level: Aimed at all audiences. However, some scenes between mates may be awkward to explain to younger viewers.

Similar Titles: Animal Odd Couples, Why We Love Cats and Dogs

Personal Thoughts: With Valentine's Day on the horizon, this is a relevant documentary. However, some of the "private" scenes may prove too mature (or giggle-worthy) for tweens to appreciate. Also, the documentary ends with an unnecessary Bambi-esque narration.

Side Note: Birds of paradise are hilarious.

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