Sunday, February 22, 2015

You Wouldn't Want to Be a Polar Explorer: An Expedition You'd Rather Not Go On

Dragons don't like Antarctica

Green, Jen. You Wouldn't Want to Be a Polar Explorer: An Expedition You'd Rather Not Go On. New York : Franklin Watts, 2001.

Plot: The title follows Captain Frank Worsley on the first overland crossing of Antarctica. The expedition, led by Sir Ernest Shackleton, offers fame and honor in the event of success. It also promises a hazardous journey. Still, it gives the opportunity to avoid enlistment in the coming World War I, so it could not be that bad.
It is arguably worse.
The ship becomes trapped and destroyed by ice, costing both the means of escape and the bulk of the trip's supplies. A small group, including Worsley, eventually strike out to find help at a nearby whaling camp. However, rough weather, worse terrain, and questionable directions plague the rescue team. Still, they make it, without ever even beginning their intended expedition.

Genre: History

Reading Level: Grades 4 and up

Similar Titles: You Wouldn't Want to Be series, Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World: The Extraordinary True Story of Shackleton and the Endurance

Personal Thoughts: Everyone learns about explorers as heroes. However, not everyone gets the opportunity to learn what such heroism requires. The title does not dismiss Shackleton, his expedition, or his crew. However, it does provide a realistic assessment of the situation: due to the starvation, the work, the cold, and the anxiety, most people would not like to be a Polar explorer!

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