Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Bear Called Paddington

Bond, Michael. A Bear Called Paddington. 1958.

Plot: At Paddington Station, Mr. and Mrs. Brown discover a small bear. While the bear describes his travels, Mrs. Brown finds a note requesting for assistance tied to his back. The Browns decide to adopt the brown bear cub, much to the delight of their children. The bear, named for the station where he was discovered, quickly creates new adventures when he fails to understand basic household items. The incidents continue through the subway stations, stores, shopping windows, beaches, and birthday parties. Paddington manages to earn some friends through his polite demeanor, kindly attitude, and bearish charm.

Genre: Animals, Everyday, Fiction

Reading Level: Winnie the Pooh, Roverandom, My Father's Dragon

Personal Thoughts: The book launched a fandom. Paddington's adventures eventually lead to a cultural phenomenon, creating toys, shows, books, commercials, and upcoming movies. The charm is understandable and relatable since the bear's adventures play on common everyday events, such as shopping or visiting the beach, with the not-so-everyday inclusion of a floppy-hatted, marmalade-loving bear.

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