Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Far Side: Last Chapter and Worst

Larson, Gary. The Far Side: Last Chapter and Worst. Kansas City, MO : Andrews and McMeel, 1996.

Plot: The book features comics from the last six month's of Gary Larson's The Far Side. Like most of the series, the non-sequential comics focus on single-panel gags. The collection also includes a forward and additional notes from the artist.

Genre: Comics

Reading Level: Some crass language, so mind more sensitive readers.

Similar Titles: Lio, Bloom Country, Argyle Sweater

Personal Thoughts: Since the comics do not rely on current events or fads, they seem to maintain their original "funniness" pretty well. As a side note, they were considered somewhat controversial at the time for their macabre nature, although modern comics, particularly Lio and Pearls before Swine, seem much, much darker. 

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