Saturday, March 3, 2012

Ozma of Oz

Baum, L. Frank. Ozma of Oz. 1904.

Plot: Unexpectedly blown overboard with a yellow hen named Billina, Dorothy finds herself in a fairy country. She describes her past experiences in Oz to the hen, but the chicken only believes her story after the arrival of Ozma, Princess and Ruler of Oz. The princess, accompanied her army, tin man, scarecrow, sawhorse, cowardly lion, and hungry tiger, left Oz to free the rightful ruler of Ev, the land Dorothy landed on. The royal family, sold to the King of Nomes by a act of treachery, are long allies of Oz. Dorothy and Billina, as well as their new companion, Tik-Tok the mechanical man, join the princess in her travels through dangerous lands. The Nome King seems willing to return the family of Ev, but only if the people of Oz willingly play his game. He cheats. Yet, his pride may yet lead to his fall, if the yellow hen has any say in the matter.

Genre: Fantasy

Reading Level: Grades 4-8

Similar Titles: Harry Potter series, Unicorn Chronicles, The Marvelous Land of Oz

Personal Thoughts: The series served as the Harry Potter of its time and it seems to have aged well. The characters remain lively, understandable, and appealing. Some "modern" aspects actually gained a quaint feel since their 1904 description, so the story seeps into the ambiguous time of "long ago" without distracting from the tale.  Additionally, the plot plays on common fairy-tale themes without becoming overly predictable. However, later titles, particularly the last two in the 14-book series, tend to lean toward the dark and macabre, so warn sensitive readers.

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