Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Avengers (Vol. 1)

Bendis, Brian Michael. The Avengers (Vol. 1). New York : Marvel Worldwide, Inc., 2011.

Plot: Despite the warning of several former members, the Avengers are reunited in New York. Almost immediately afterwards, Krang the Destroyer arrives, claiming the children of the heroes will shatter the space-time continuum, leading to the destruction of all that ever was. Determined to stop them, the Avengers race to create a time travel device. However, while the warning seems well-placed after the arrival of foes past and present, Krang may not be as honest as he wishes to appear.

Genre: Comics, Adventure

Reading Level: Grades 4 and over

Similar Titles: The Avengers Vol. 2, Secret Invasion

Personal Thoughts: The story is insanely difficult to follow. The cast of dozens quickly devolves into three groups of four to ten individuals, but keeping track of who is when becomes taxing. Additionally, the time jumps occur within the comic itself, causing the overall storyline to become confused. In the title's defense, however, the images and coloring enjoy improvement from previous prints, while the humor and characterizations maintain the original appeal. However, the story itself seems determined to undermine any degree of comprehension. 

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