Sunday, April 1, 2012

Zen Shorts

Muth, Jon J. Zen Shorts. New York : Scholastic Press, 2005.

Plot: Karl, Addy, and Michael discover a new neighbor...a panda named Stillwater. The three children eventually overcome their shyness and enjoy spending time with the wise bear with a tent and a red umbrella. He, in turn, teaches them lessons on generosity, forgiveness, and perspective through retelling of traditional Asian folktales.

Genre: Picture Books, Animals, Folktales

Reading Level: Grades 1-4

Similar Titles: The Boy in the Garden, The Dancing Tiger, The Three Questions

Personal Thoughts: The book mingles traditional English and Buddhist storytelling to produce a fable encouraging readers to reconsider their view of the world. Even the pictures include a mix of the two cultures, combining English realism with Asian watercolors. Stillwater's stories feature bolder, cartoon-like ink illustrations, adding to the sense of hearing a story separated from the main plot. The end of the title includes a brief summary of the book's themes and inspirations.  

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