Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Giant Panda: A Book

Green, Carl R. The Giant Panda: A Book. Berkeley Heights, NJ : Books, 2004.

Plot: A study guide for giant pandas. The first section of the title focuses on relevant websites and their descriptions. Additional chapters focus on key topics, such as pandas' popularity, adaptations, threats, and conservation.

Genre: Animals, Study Guide

Reading Level: Grades 3-7

Personal Thoughts: The Book series takes a novel approach to providing information. Instead of merely presenting key terms, concepts, and facts, the titles primarily offer information about online resources. While this is a useful and important link between traditional and technical resources, the long-term benefit to the reader remain in doubt, simply because the Internet changes more quickly than published sources. The fact is, books often outlive websites, so the main "hook" of the titles may not remain relevant to readers after a few years.

Side Note: Jerome! I told you to get out of there!

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