Thursday, January 19, 2012

Creepy Creatures

Creepy Creatures produced by National Geographic Videos.

Plot: A documentary on the creepiest creatures to walk the earth. Narrated by a black cat, the show displays some of the most unsettling animals and plants in nature. Many, including the sundew plant and black widow spider, trap their prey with sticky buds or webs. Others take a more active approach, such as the venomous cobra and clawed aye-aye. Some animals, seeking to provide for their young, pursue the dead as their victims, filling a morbid, but necessary, part of nature. With appropriately eerie music and choir songs, the documentary celebrates the gross, unnerving, and scary aspects of the natural world.

Genre: Animals, Documentary, Horror

Reading Level: Not Rated; but some footage, such as the cobra eating the rat, is not suitable for more sensitive viewers.

Similar Titles: Animal Atlas: Creepy Creatures, The Magic School Bus: Creepy, Crawly Fun!

Personal Thoughts: The age in this video shows, although not in the footage. Instead, the manner of presentation changed over the past decade or so. Most current documentaries show creepy creatures, but immediately extoll on their positive virtues or reveal their conservation situations. The change is for the better, since it encourages viewers to accept the strange creatures filling the earth as more than just creepy things. However, sometimes users need to enjoy creepy for creepiness's sake without a heavy environmentalist tone, and this video provides an excellent opportunity to do so.

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