Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mercy Watson to the Rescue

DiCamillo, Mercy. Mercy Watson to the Rescue. Cambridge, MA : Candlewick Press, 2005.

Plot: Mr. and Mrs. Watson adore Mercy, their pet pig. Mercy, in turn, loves them, especially when they sing her a lullaby before she goes to sleep. After the song, though, she gets scared of the dark. Determined to get a good night's sleep, she sneaks into the Watsons' bed. Unfortunately, the bed cannot hold their collective weight. Mr. and Mrs. Watson get stuck in the collapsing bed, keeping Mercy from enjoying her breakfast. Determined to get a snack, she journey's to the neighbors' house. Yet, her mission to get something to eat may be exactly what the Watsons need to escape.

Genre: Animals, Humor

Reading Level: Grades 4-7

Similar Titles: Ivy and Bean, Little Horse, Mercy Watson series

Personal Thoughts: Unlike much of DiCamillo's writing, the book is satisfied with being a simple story without deeper reflections on relationships. Like most of her writing, though, the characters are both humorous and over-the-top. The series also plays with the ideas of perception versus reality, particularly regarding the reasoning for Mercy's supposed rescue.

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