Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Warcraft Legends: Volume 2

Lewter, Troy. Warcraft Legends: Volume 3. Los Angeles, Calif. : Tokyopop, 2009.

Plot: A manga-style comic collection based on the popular online game, World of Warcraft. This volume begins with the continuing saga of a cursed Tauren seeking redemption and discovering courage from an unlikely source. Two sisters must also discover courage and purpose when they discover their secret past. The collection takes a comedic turn when a smart but stubborn Tauren begins a quest she can only complete with the assistance of a fiery (but still tiny) gnome. Finally, a disillusioned Orc must decide between assisting a weak orphan or following his powerful brother in an unending war.

Genre: Video Games, Manga

Reading Level: Rated T for violence and language

Similar Titles: Starcraft: Frontlines; Warcraft: Shaman

Personal Thoughts: Readers will most likely absolutely hate or absolutely love the series. Despite following the traditional manga style, this collection was designed, written, and illustrated in the United States. Some diehard observers of the genre have very strong feelings against such items. In addition, many of the stories end on a "downer," so do not recommend the title to someone seeking a collection of happy endings. Still, the characters follow their in-game counterparts accurately. Also, the illustrations are creative, action-oriented, and attractive. Fans of the game will likely approve of the manga, but it may not be suitable for everyone.

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