Thursday, February 2, 2012

How the Sphinx Got to the Museum

Hartland, Jessie. How the Sphinx Got to the Museum. Maplewood, NJ : Blue Apple Books, 2010.

Plot: The New York Metropolitan Museum of Art showcases a remarkable sphinx, originally commissioned by Hatshepsut, a female Pharaoh. The sphinx, like many of the pharaoh's works, was destroyed through political change and time. A series of actions by experts around the world allows the shattered sphinx eventually reaches the American public.

Genre: History, Art

Reading Level: Grades 1 and up

Similar Titles: How the Dinosaur Got to the Museum; Dave Potter: Artist, Poet, Slave; What's Inside?

Personal Thoughts: While the title does not provide the most in-depth view of art, history, or museums, it answers a question not often addressed but frequently wondered. How do museums acquire their exhibits? The book answers the question in a simple format without diminishing the individuals involved with the display. 

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