Thursday, February 9, 2012

Search Saga: Where to Begin

Starting the journey...

Unsurprisingly, online searches need to That said, some online search engines, databases, and websites will serve better than others. A few notable examples include:

1. Google: Perhaps one on the best known search engines. The engine offers links to more information than any other. However, it does not offer limits to searches, and often brings up what librarians call "false hits." False hits are items that do not actually pertain to the intended search. For example, typing in "California" in a basic search will lead users to the state's site, but also the DMV site, Parks site, and Disneyland site.

2. Yahoo: The search engine manages to produce fewer false hits than Google, but is still far from ideal. While the site arranges items according to popularity, much like Google, it does nothing to identify the validity of the sites.

3. Twurdy: I recently discovered this site. While it is not as exhaustive as Google or Yahoo, it offers a useful feature. It offers a ranking system for the sites according to reading level, allowing users to judge the best sites according to the ease or difficulty of reading.

4. SweetSearch: A limited search engine, but one with extremely useful potential, particularly for students. All sites presented by the engine are reviewed by a team of research experts, librarians, and teachers. Using the site takes practice, but it offers legitimate information to users.

5. School and Library Databases: If a school or library is paying for the database, the institution must think it is worth the effort. Give the sites a shot.

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