Thursday, April 19, 2012

Avengers: The Ultimate Guide

DeFalco, Tom. Avengers: The Ultimate Guide. New York : Marvel/DK, 2005.

Plot: The title attempts to describe the major characters and story arcs of the Avengers in an Eyewitness-style book. Most influential characters enjoy entire pages addressing their involvement with the superhero team. Additionally, the title includes a timeline for the many changes the series experienced. Stan Lee writes a forward to the book.

Genre: Comics

Reading Level: Grades 4-9

Similar Titles: Marvel Encyclopedia, Hulk: The Incredible Guide

Personal Thoughts: I highly recommend the title for new readers of The Avengers. The comic series itself constantly experiences changes in characters, leading to quick confusion to newcomers. However, titles such as DeFalco's can provide basic information for the uninitiated. One not-entirely-minor detail plagues the work, though. The actual powers of the heroes are frequently unmentioned, leading readers to question the purpose of some characters. Still, for a wildly complex series, the book can provide basic knowledge of the continuity.

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