Friday, April 27, 2012

Emma Dilemma and the Soccer Nanny

Hermes, Patricia. Emma Dilemma and the Soccer Nanny. Tarrytown, NY : Marshall Cavendish Children, 2008.

Plot: Emma once again finds herself in a series of dilemmas. She is sure Katie, the meanest girl in her soccer team, wants to replace her. Her parents will not let her and her sister keep Kelly the kitten and Marshmallow the ferret. Even worse, her mom wants to go with her to Washington D.C. when Annie, the best nanny ever, would be much better. An upcoming protest at her father's work offers a solution, though. If she and her siblings go on strike, her parents will have to give into her demands. Right?

Genre: Realistic Fiction, Growing Up

Reading Level: Grades 4-8

Similar Titles: Billy Eliot, Fig Pudding, Hit the Road, Manny

Personal Thoughts: Technically, this is a prequel to something I have read, but my readers are understanding, so I think I can get away with it.

Throughout the title, Emma stresses the point of "negotiation." However, she never negotiates. She does not sacrifice anything for her parents while getting everything she asks for. As a result, she seems like a brat. However, her interactions with her soccer team imply she is beginning to realize her faults, particularly in her reactions toward her peers. Overall, the title does not accomplish as much as Emma Dilemma and the Camping Nanny simply because she does not learn or change from her experiences. Still, the following titles recover from the fact nicely, and many of Emma's interactions with her siblings and teammates manage to create sympathetic and realistic effects on the story.

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