Friday, April 27, 2012

Chronicles of Mistmantle: Book Two, Urchin and the Heartstone

McAllister, Margaret. Chronicles of Mistmantle: Book Two, Urchin and the Heartstone. New York : Hyperion Books for Children, 2006.

Plot: Following the events of the first title, King Crispen awaits his coronation. However, the Heartstone, a holy relic proving the legitimacy of the king, is missing. Amidst the chaos following the discovery, a new challenge approaches. A ship of diplomats from Whitewings, a far-off island, claim Urchin the squirrel is the key to their liberation. While Urchin eagerly wishes to help, his king doubts the intentions of their guests. His fears find realization when Urchin, last seen in the presence of two Whitewings natives, disappears into the night. Urchin may be the rescuer mentioned in prophecy, but his actions may have drastic effects on both islands.

Genre: Fantasy, Animals

Reading Level: Grades 4-7

Similar Titles: Redwall series, The Underneath, Poppy

Personal Thoughts: Like its predecessor, the novel plays more on political and social challenges than most fantasy books, which depend on dramatic battles. The change is refreshing, yet not without its flaws. The nature of the antagonists cause the protagonist, Urchin, to have a limited influence on the overall story. Strangely, this does not condemn the book. The other characters enjoy rich description and active participation in the story's plot, rescuing the title from a poor review. Still, readers may wish for the hero to act more heroically, so Urchin's actions in future titles needs participate more actively. Fortunately, if reviews for Heir of Mistmantle can be trusted, he does.

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