Friday, June 22, 2012

Favorite Fairy Tales Told in Czechoslovakia.

Haviland, Virgina. Favorite Fairy Tales Told in Czechoslovakia. Boston, Little, Brown : 1966.

Plot: The text offers a five-story collection of tales from Czechoslovakia. A few stories follow typical themes, such as princes and princesses, but with unexpected twists, such as hair retrieval. Others seem very familiar, such as "The Twelve Months," a variation of Cinderella. Unlike the French heroine, however, the Czech maid finds assistance not through a fairy godmother, but through the personifications of the twelve months of the year. One story seems truly unique. It features a monstrous chicken's attempt to devour everything and everyone in his path. Readers seeking an unfamiliar familiar will enjoy the title.

Genre: Fairy Tales, Folktales

Reading Level: Grades 4-9

Similar Titles: Favorite Fairy Tales Told in England, Once Upon a Fairy Tale: Four Favorite Stories

Personal Thoughts: While this particular series is fairly old, it remains relevant through use of everyday language, timeless stories, and creative illustrations. The illustrations often follow the "national style" of the tales place of origin. In this title, the pictures use few colors and simple facial features with elaborate clothing, hair, and backgrounds, enhancing the exotic appeal of the stories.

Side Note: Toothless! Leave that maiden alone!

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