Thursday, June 7, 2012

Opposing Viewpoints: Unicorns

Gaffron, Norma. Opposing Viewpoints: Unicorns. San Diego, Calif. : Greenhaven Press, 1989.

Plot: Everyone knows unicorns do not exist...maybe. Beyond the single horn, the creatures described as unicorns varied widely, ranging from "traditional" horned horses to scaled, sacred kirins. Yet, nearly every culture shared stories throughout history of single-horned creatures. The book suggests the universal appeal of the unicorn may hint at an actual creature. To support the claim, various aspects of the unicorn myth find examination in the image-heavy title.

Genre: Fantasy, Folklore, Animals

Reading Level: Grades4-9

Similar Titles: Secret World of Unicorns, Opposing Viewpoints: Water Monsters

Personal Thoughts: The title has potential, but the argument fails to convince the reader. Unicorns, argues the book, could exist. Unfortunately, instead of supplying explanations, the title seems content to relay myths and superstitions. While such items entertain the reader, they fail to support the claim. The failure seems unfair, since support for the argument exists. For example, most myths state the unicorn lives in Asia, Europe, or Africa, all of which suffered many large animal extinctions during the times of the myths. A one-horned creature could easily fit among them. Additionally, nearly every continent contains stories describing a unicorn, implying a one-horned creature may have existed. However, no such statements exist within the text, leaving the attempt to oppose the common belief against unicorns unsatisfactory.

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