Friday, June 22, 2012

The Flying Emu and Other Australian Stories

Morgan, Sally. The Flying Emu and Other Australian Stories. New York : Alfred A. Knopf : Distributed by Random House, Inc., 1993.

Plot: Morgan, an Australian, offers a collection of stories told by her mother and brothers. Like many folktales, they attempt to describe virtues, vices, and origins. Unlike many folklore books aimed at tweens, Morgan does not avoid some of the less delicate aspects of life, claiming her brothers took every opportunity to have the villains fart, belch, or vomit. Nevertheless, the stories maintain an exotic expression of some popular concepts, such as courage, endurance, and justice. They also offer caution to gluttons, gossips, and fussbudgets.

Genre: Folktales

Reading Level: Grades 4-9

Similar Titles: Stories from the Billabong, A Ring of Tricksters

Personal Thoughts: Unfortunately, I am not familiar with Australian folklore, so I do not know if the stories are typical of the culture. Nevertheless, the title does offer a colorful and well-written introduction to stories from Land Down Under. Some of the more popular concepts of lore find stories, while unusual animals, such as kangaroos, dingos, and crocodiles find mention as well. The title offers entertaining stories for the reader seeking something unusual.

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