Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Jewel Fish of Karnak

 We read the book before bedtime. So Sprite dreamed about it.

Base, Graeme. The Jewel Fish of Karnak. New York : Abrams Books for Young Readers, 2011.

Plot: The great Pharaoh Cat offers two petty thieves a chance to redeem themselves. They must retrieve the magnificent Jewel Fish of Karnak from the evil Crocodile Prince. Before the two leave, she warns them to keep the fish dry and to avoid taking anything other than the fish. Unsurprisingly, the two fail to observe either warning. However, a careful reader may rescue them from their eternal attempts to retrieve the fish.

Genre: Picture Books, Animals, Puzzles

Reading Level: Grades 1-4

Similar Titles: The Eleventh Hour, Tough Boris

Personal Thoughts: The title seems typical of Graeme, which is certainly a good thing. The story is exotic, but relatable. Gorgeous illustrations coat the book and complement the story. Additionally, the story includes a puzzle that I could not figure out to save my life that will undoubtedly amuse readers. However, I do not think the book is quite on par with Animalia or The Eleventh Hour. The tale lacks the same degree of whimsy as the older titles. Still, the text offers an amusing experience to readers.

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