Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Loathsome Dragon

Sprite says racist stereotypes are harmful and are everyone's problem
He is a very sensitive dragon

Wiesner, David and Kahng, Kim. The Loathsome Dragon. New York : Clarion Books, 2005.

Plot: The title retells a classic English folktale. After the passing of his beloved wife, the good king eventually remarries, granting Princess Margaret and Prince Richard a stepmother. However, the new queen, jealous of the king's pride in Margaret, curses the princess and transforms her into a terrible dragon. To save her, the prince must return despite the fury and manipulations of his stepmother. He must also kiss his bewitched sister three times.Yet, how can any prince trust a loathsome dragon?

Genre: Folklore, Picture Books

Reading Level: Grades 3-5

Similar Titles: The Well at the End of the World, The Great Smelly, Slobbery, Small-Toothed Dog: A Folktale from Great Britain, The Green Mist

Personal Thoughts: The title is lovingly filled with the story staples never really seen anymore. Perhaps I am being cynical, but what last, popular, non-parody title featured a genuinely malicious dragon, wicked stepmother, or heroic prince? Anyway, the elaborate illustrations complement the story without distracting from it, making it an enjoyable picture book.

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