Thursday, November 4, 2010

Death By Field Trip

Amend, Bill. Death By Field Trip. Kansas City: Andrews McMeel Publishing, 2001.

Plot: A year's worth of Foxtrot comics. Each book follows the lives of the Fox family, which consists of Andie and Roger, the two parents; Peter, Paige, and Peter, the three kids; and Quincey, Jason's pet iguana. The arcs include numerous parodies, such as The Lord of the Rings movies, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, and How the Grinch Stole Chritmas. A good read with multiple references to popular culture and family relationships.

Genre: Comics

Reading Level: All ages

Similar Titles: Baby BluesZits

Personal Thoughts: While some complain of the comic's repetition, it still provides an interesting read. Most readers can find someone in the comic to relate too, such as the video-game loving nerd Jason or the health-conscious mother Andie. While some of the jokes will be lost on younger readers (such as those who do not remember the chaos surrounding the announcement of the Lord of the Rings movies), it manages to maintain a relevant level of humor. As a side note, Amend stopped producing daily comics a few years ago, but his still makes Sunday comics weekly.

P.S.: Double points if you get why there's a Pokemon card in the picture.

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