Saturday, November 13, 2010

Eywitness: Volcano

Eyewitness: Volcano. DVD produced by DK Publishing, 2007.

Plot: Based on the best-selling book series, the show, produced in 1997 and transitioned into DVD format in 2007, offers a study of the world's most powerful and destructive natural phenomena. Volcanoes shift the land in large explosions, releasing enormous amounts of ash, mud, gases, and lava. Yet, they also affect locals in a positive way. The ash provides nutrients for plants and compounds for industry and mining. The power of the volcanoes also form the basis of myth and culture. Presented through the "Eyewitness Museum," the DVD manages to copy the books' famous white backgrounds and solid information while displaying dynamic animation.

Genre: Documentary

Reading Level: Not rated, but good for middle schoolers.

Similar Titles: Eyewitness Series, Ring of Fire: IMAX, National Geographic: Volcano

Personal Thoughts: The DVD displays information cleanly and comprehensively. Sadly, most of the technological displays, like the "Eyewitness Museum" seem outdated. As a result, viewers used to more elaborate graphics may become disinterested.

In addition to the main show, the DVD offers a "Making of Eyewitness" section. The thirty minute subprogram shows the technology and film methods used to produce the programs. I found the explanations amazing. Technology, particularly in the entertainment industry, has changed so much in the past thirteen years. Tweens will probably like the show for its information, but I really enjoyed the retrospective.

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