Sunday, November 21, 2010

Transformers: Movie Prequel

Rall, Chris. Transformers: Movie Prequel. San Diego: IDW Publishing, 2007.

Plot: While Cybertron enjoyed eons of peace and prosparity due to the presence of the enigmatic Allspark, the planet rapidly dissolved into chaos following the betrayal of Megatron, a powerful robot. Calling his army of rebels "Decepticons" he waged war on the Autobots, lead by Optimus Prime. Fearing the loss of the Allspark, Optimus orders Bumblebee, a small Autobot, to launch the Allspark into deep space. The Autobot succeeds, but Megatron follows the power source towards an unassuming planet, later called Earth. Through a twist of fate, the histories of the Decepticons, Autobots, and humans rush towards a crux leading to the 2007 movie...

Genre: Graphic Novel

Reading Level: All Ages

Similar Titles: The Transformers series by IDW Publishing

Personal Thoughts: Okay, confession time. I really liked the first Transformers movie. Librarians are supposed to be all about information and intellect, but I just like the occasional, over-the-top summer blockbuster. I could not bring myself to watch the sequel due to the negative reviews, but I still think the first is entertaining.

Anyway, the comic effectively tells the story behind the story. The book describes the set-up for the movie, including information on Sector 7, the Witwickys, and the robots. It also explains how Bumblebee knew to look for Sam and why the Decepticons started attacking military bases. Much like the movie, the graphic novel is more action than story, but (in my opinion) there is nothing wrong with that.

P.S. Dreamworks dragon approves of you reading this.

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