Sunday, November 21, 2010

Mouse Guard: Fall 1152

Petersen, David. Mouse Guard: Fall 1152. New York: Villard, 2007.

Plot: The Mouse Guard, no longer needed for war following a battle with weasels, continues to serve the mouse country as guides, guards, and pathfinders. However, a map in a missing merchant's cart reveals a plot to betray the mice and their order. Lady Gwendolyn dispatches three mice, Lieam, Kenzie, and Saxon, to seek the traitor. Yet, the betrayal seeps much deeper than the mice originally anticipated, striking through several towns, ancient legends, and a mysterious hermit.

Genre: Graphic Novel

Reading Level: None noted, but suitable for tweens and older readers

Similar Titles: Mouse Guard series, Owley, The Saga of Rex, Bone

Personal Thoughts: Apparently, the series enjoys increasing popularity. Other books are already in print while other merchandise, from figurines to a role-playing game, stem from the series. However, while the graphics are exceedingly well-done, the story seems underwhelming. The visuals do not always assist with character development and, as a result, the personalities of the mice seem a bit flat. In addition, the motivation for the characters, especially the betrayer, find little reference or explanation. However, perhaps this view is limited, since I did not read any additional books. With graphic novels, characters only really develop over time, so my view may be limited.

P.S. More talking mice. Nothing against mice, but why do talking animal books always include talking mice?

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