Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Hardy Boys #10: What Happened at Midnight

Dixon, Franklin W. The Hardy Boys #10: What Happened at Midnight. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1931.

Plot: Unlike previous cases, Joe and Frank do not prevent a theft in this mystery. Instead, they participate! Following the orders of their detective father, the boys break into the house of a famous inventor to obtain a radio before the real criminals can steal it. They barely manage to claim the item before stumbling on the real thieves. Attempting to capture the criminals while protecting the invention, the boys find themselves facing a gang of kidnappers, thieves, smugglers, and con men.

Genre: Mystery

Reading Level: Ages 9-12

Similar Titles: Other Hardy Boys titles, Nancy Drew series

Personal Thoughts: Another series that did not age quite as well as I hoped. The usage of certain terms, such as "chum" in a friendly context tends to distract readers. Also, the technological limits seem appalling by modern standards. That said, the story itself seems better than the Nancy Drew title I read. The dangers are real, but so are the behaviors of the boys. They seem less superhuman than Nancy does. In addition, some of the boys' actions have consequences, such as when they order at a restaurant they cannot afford. Joe and Frank are superheroes, but believable ones.

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