Sunday, October 17, 2010

Tintin: Volume 1

Rémi, Georges. Tintin: Volume 1. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1979.

Plot: World-famous detective and newsman, Tintin, and his dog, Snowy, leaves his native Belgium to clean up the corruption during America's prohibition. He manages to capture several notorious criminals after traveling through Chicago and the American Southwest. During his boat ride home, he becomes involved with drug smugglers. The smugglers use theft, kidnapping, and social influence to evade Tintin and Snowy. Eventually, the smugglers are all captured by Tintin or killed by their reckless attempts to escape. Yet, Tintin receives cryptic warnings about enemies at large in China...during the onset of World War II.

Genre: Comics, Adventure

Reading Level: Ages 8 and up, but originally intended for adults

Similar Titles: Tintin series, Bone

Personal Thoughts: I loved this series when I was younger. Now that I am older, I can enjoy the series more through historical context, but when I was little, I just thought the adventures of Tintin and Snowy were intriguing and fun. Apparently, though, the prejudice of the author, while acceptable if not expected from the culture at the time of the writing, led to the banning of Tintin's adventures in some institutions. Still, the series manages to secure a universal charm that continues to attract audiences worldwide. As such, the series provided a basis for animations, plays, radio programs, and an upcoming movie.

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