Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Hardy Boys: Undercover Brothers - #10 Blown Away

Dixon, Franklin W. The Hardy Boys: Undercover Brothers - #10 Blown Away. NY: Aladdin Paperbacks, 2006.

Plot: Shortly after capturing a team of drug dealers, Joe and Frank, teen twin operatives for a government secret agency, receive a new mission. They must leave the snow of lake Tahoe for the sunny landscape of Arizona. A terrorist threatens a major resort with a bomb. The boys have until three o'clock to find the terrorist while maintaining their cover with the vacationers and keeping their search a secret from their mother. Could one of the two business tycoons at the resort have a grudge worth killing for? Will the boys find the bomb on time? Will their mother make them play Scrabble?

Genre: Mystery, Adventure

Reading Level: Ages 9-12

Similar Titles: Original Hardy Boys series, Nancy Drew series

Personal Thoughts: This is one of a series of updated Hardy Boys books. Many of the cultural, economical, and social references are up-to-date, allowing readers to gain easy understanding of the novels. I remember one of my teachers claiming the original Hardy Boys were the only books she could get chronically non-reading boys to enjoy. While the new version is certainly enjoyable, I think I need to get my hands on an original.

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