Saturday, October 23, 2010

Rakkety Tam

Jacques, Brian. Rakkety Tam. New York: Philomel Books, 2004.

Plot: Rakkety Tam MacBurl and Doogy Plumm, two warrior squirrels bound by oath to a pompous squirrelking and drayqueen, find an opportunity to escape. They must return a banner stolen by Golo the Savage, a wolverine warlord determined to find the "walking stone" while dominating and devouring all in his path. In pursuit of the fiend, the squirrels join forces with the legendary Long Patrol hares in a race to reach Redwall Abbey before the wolverine. While Rakkety looks forward to his first real battle in seasons, his adventures yield more dangers and rewards than he ever anticipated.

Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Animals

Reading Level: Ages 9-12

Similar Titles: Redwall series, Warriors series, Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole

Personal Thoughts: The novel is the seventeenth of the Redwall series. While the story does not rely on the history of the abbey as much as previous novels, it still intertwines common themes in a fresh and intriguing manner. One word of caution: the squirrels tend to speak with Scottish accents. While this adds distinct character to the story, it can be difficult for readers to understand.

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