Saturday, September 11, 2010


Tatulli, Mark. Liō series. Kansas City: Andrews McMeel Publishing.

Plot: A newspaper comic book series known for its minimal dialog. Liō is a self-described "weird kid" who lives with his father pet spider, snake, cat, and giant squid. A host of zombies, monsters, and creatures interacts with Liō on a daily basis. Referred to as "sweetly dark" by other comic artists, Liō combines the disturbing, macabre, and strange with the perils of being in elementary school.

Genre: Comic books

Reading Level: 8 and older

Similar Titles: Pearls Before Swine, Zits

Personal Thoughts: I really like this series. It has received criticism for its dark nature, but in a world of Goosebumps, horror films, Emily the Strange, and Nightmare Before Christmas, it is wise to consider non-traditional appeal. Also, Liō manages to always win against the bigger, tougher bullies and frequently assists the downtrodden. In other words, it is, indeed, "sweetly dark."

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