Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Seekers: Great Bear Lake

Erin, Hunter. Seekers: Great Bear Lake. New York : HarperCollins, 2009.

Plot: A black bear meets and travels with two brown bears in attempt to reach the place "where the spirits dance." At the same time, an orphaned polar bear unknowingly seeks the same location. Their paths meet on the Longest Day, when a band of rogue polar bears threaten the survival of all bears by encroaching on the black bears' forest. The second in the series.

Genre: Animals, Fantasy, Fiction

Reading Level: 11-14

Similar Titles: Hunters series, Firebringer, other titles in the Seekers series

Personal Thoughts: This is the first book I read for the project I did not like. While the author is justifiably popular, especially for her Hunters series, most of the characters seemed a bit too much like a Mary Sue. For those unfamiliar with the fanfiction term, a Mary Sue is, according to the Urban Dictionary, "typically beautiful, intelligent, kind, and in all other ways "perfect". She usually serves as an important part in a pivotal plot element (ie: a prophecy)." In addition, a Mary Sue often has a tragic and painful past (but no scars, emotionally or otherwise) and unrealistic abilities. All of the protagonists are orphans, cubs, and stronger/faster/smarter than all other bears, especially adult bears. In addition, while the author taps into environmental issues, the problems are not discussed in a way that encourages readers to become involved. Also, the bears do not really act like bears. While I know this is fiction and such animals are not supposed to act like their real counterparts, most of the behaviors vary so wildly from actual bear behavior that it's difficult to "get lost" in the story.

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