Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Stephen Biesty's Cross-Sections: Castle

Biesty, Stephen. Stephen Biesty's Cross-Sections: Castle. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1994.

Plot: The book takes an in-depth look at medieval castles - literally. Throughout the book, sections of the castle and castle life are displayed through cross-sections of the buildings. Castles offered surprisingly complex methods of waste disposal, protection, and craftsmanship. However, food availability, social order, and justice methods were cruel. A work like this allows readers to appreciate the luxuries of the post-twentieth century.

Reading Level: Ages 8-11

Genre: Non-Fiction, History

Similar Titles: Eyewitness Books: Castle, Stephen Biesty's Cross-Sections: Man-Of-War

Personal Thoughts: I was surprised by the complexity of the book. The illustrations offer excellent descriptions and thorough details of medieval castles. They also offer humor. To keep readers' attention, an enemy spy also lurks the castle. Sharp-eyed readers discover a story within the descriptions through the antics of this mysterious man.

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