Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mythbusters: Don't Try This at Home

Packard, Mary. Mythbusters: Don't Try This at Home. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2006.

Plot: The creators of Mythbusters present some of their favorite myths in this book. Such myths include discovering if a duck's quack echoes, if running in the rain keeps you drier, and if a child could be lifted into the air by a cluster of balloons. As the title suggests, readers are not recommended to copy the mythbusters. However, the book also includes experiments scientists-in-the-making can do at home without loosing an eyebrow.

Reading Level: Ages 9-12

Genre: Non-Fiction, Science

Similar Titles: Mythbusters television series, Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction: Build Implements of Spitball Warfare

Personal Thoughts: I love Mythbusters. It combines my open interest in science with my secret pyromania. The book reads quickly, but, like many non-fiction works for tweens, it tends to be too brief or too repetitive in various sections. Still, like the television series, it manages to spark interest in the everyday with creative uses of ordinary objects and the occasional explosion.

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