Sunday, September 12, 2010

Spirited Away

Miyazaki, Hayao. Spirited Away. Burbank, CA : Buena Vista Home Entertainment, 2003.

Plot: After following her parents into what appears to be an abandoned theme park, Chihiro meets a strange boy who warns her to get out before sunset. She fails and finds herself trapped in the world of spirits with her parents transformed into pigs. With the help of the boy, called Haku, she manages to solve the mystery of No-Face, escape the imprisonment of Yubaba, discover Haku's real name, and rescue her parents.

Genre: Anime

Reading Level: Rated PG

Similar Titles: Alice in Wonderland, My Neighbor Totoro, Never-Ending Story

Personal Thoughts: Considered by some to be the archtype of Anime movies, Spirited Away received several awards, including the first Oscar for an Anime movie. The themes of the movie include environmental concerns, growing up, accepting challenges, and generation changes. The last theme begs for consideration. At the time of the movie's creation, Japan was in the aftermath of the "bubble economy," a time of high economic value that abruptly ended. The generation following it had the expectations for wealth of the adults, but lost the faith and traditions of the older generations. Chihiro lives between the economic expectations of her parents and the traditional demands of the spirit world. Her struggles, in some ways, mirror the current economic and political situation in the United States.

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